Quality childcare is largely inaccessible for new parents. Currently, two major forms of childcare exist in urban areas: cost-prohibitive nannies, or daycare with long, black-box waitlists and inconsistent standards. In our quest to solve big problems, the Primary team had been thinking about the childcare market for some time.
Then, we met the CozyKin founders: Jeremy Au and Tatyana Gubin. Not only were we impressed by their entrepreneurial and education track record, but we were blown away by how they were thinking about democratizing access to high-quality childcare in such a convenient and affordable manner. This nimble duo started out with more than a hundred thoughtful interviews with families and childcare providers to understand the issues and the pain points.
They learned that families sharing a nanny overwhelming loved this form of childcare, but many families were unaware of this childcare arrangement, unable to find their own partner families, or could not secure a great nanny on their own.
With this beloved nanny share community model, Jeremy and Tatyana brought together great user experience work, high customer empathy and smartly applied technology to bring CozyKin’s Montessori-inspired childcare to life. Since starting in 2016, they’ve become the top infant care provider in Boston, and have recently raised capital to expand into other markets.
Here’s what you should know about CozyKin…
At its core: A full-stack nanny sharing marketplace.
Its mission: Help children flourish, support new parents in their return to work, and provide competitive living wages and benefits to nannies.
How: CozyKin matches two or more compatible, local families with a rigorously vetted nanny trained on the Montessori-inspired curriculum. The company handles all the logistics from finances and nanny management to backup care, giving parents a stress-free and seamless experience.
Why now: In 2016, 65% of mothers with children under the age of 6 participated in the workforce in the U.S. according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and women make up more than the majority of both doctorate and master degree programs in the U.S. today. With rising numbers of dual working parent households, childcare that is both reliable and enriching becomes increasingly important.
The “it” factor: CozyKin employs all of their nannies and empowers them with the security of W-2 employment, including competitive wages, paid time off including parental leave, health benefits, workers compensation, and ongoing professional development in early childhood education. Only the top five percent of applicants are hired.
This article originally appeared on Medium.
Source: https://medium.com/@primaryvc/cozykin-expands-to-ny-and-democratizes-quality-childcare-88ced7fd900d