Hello everyone!
Here’s your briefing on Southeast Asia tech’s future and rising stars. Real talk that’s short, sweet, and to the point.
Most Popular Episodes
Gita Rusmida Sjahrir: “Underrepresented Founders & VCs, Unstructured Environments & Owning Your Story”: Gita is an Indonesian serial founder who shares her point-of-view on how to improve female representation in the regional startup ecosystem. We discuss how she structured her work environment to accommodate her personal needs and how to bravely step up to owning your own story in the face of rejection.
Liyana Sulaiman: “Father Inspiration, Failure Cat Curiosity & Liquidation Marketplace Founder”: Liyana was inspired by her father’s entrepreneurship and followed in his footsteps to learn engineering. Despite his fears due to prior business failures, she still chose to be a founder and build a thriving liquidation marketplace.
Rachit Dayal: “Student Founder, Bootstrapping $10M ARR & Acquisition Advice”: Rachit snuck away from his parents as a child to watch the first Matrix movie which catalyzed his entrepreneurship journey. He shares what he learned from founding, leading, and selling Happy Marketer after 15 years: the importance of taking care of your customers, defining your own terms when running a business, and putting your employees first during the acquisition process instead of trying to make the most money on day one.
Dr. Elaine Kim: “Meaning in Death, Life Seasons & Know Your Why”: Dr. Elaine talks about the reality of palliative care and how she deals with being surrounded by so much death in her professional career. She believes death is not something to be feared due to the possibility that there may be something better at the end of it. Instead of fear, she feels the responsibility to ensure that she makes an impact while she still can.
Changelog & Feedback: Let us know what you think!
It’s been more than two years since we launched our first episode and we’re excited to share that our first book anthology featuring the top 10 best leadership journeys in Singapore is dropping soon. This was a product of months of sleepless nights curating and editing. We are excited to share that we will be donating the book profits to The Codette Project – a local non-profit that helps minority women break into technology. We’d love to share it with our listeners first and you can pre-order BRAVE10: The Singapore Edition here!
To bring the BRAVE community together, we are hosting a half-day book launch on Aug 6, Sat, 9am-1pm at SCAPE Gallery, Singapore. Speakers will share their perspectives on top-of-mind issues for the regional technology community. The guest of honor is Mr. Alvin Tan, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, and Culture, Community and Youth. Speakers include Koh Shiyan (Hustle Fund), Goh Yiping (Quest Ventures), John Tan (Doyobi), Nurul Hussain (The Codette Project), Joel Leong (Aspire), Sandhya Sriram (Shiok Meats) and others.
You can get your tickets at https://www.jeremyau.com/book as well. We look forward to seeing you there!
Stay Brave,