Forbes: A Harder, Longer Fundraising Process For Much Less Money For Underrepresented Founders — DocSend’s Funding Divide 2024 Report

· Press,VC and Angels


Jeremy Au is highlighted in the Forbes article "A Harder, Longer Fundraising Process For Much Less Money For Underrepresented Founders" for his forward-thinking approach in the venture capital landscape. He advocates for moving beyond conventional investment criteria to recognize the potential in diverse founders. He emphasizes that investors should look past simple pattern-matching to uncover promising startups that are often overlooked. This approach not only promotes fairness but also provides a competitive edge in the venture capital landscape


Jeremy Au, an investor at Orvel Ventures, said it best, “Savvy investors see through simple pattern-matching heuristics to discern a track record of success in a founding team – beyond their pitch deck. It’s comparatively easy to invest in teams that check every recognizable status box with their pitch deck, but this strategy doesn’t necessarily lead to outsized returns compared to one's peers. Investors should dig deeper into teams that show promise but don’t come from backgrounds that immediately code for venture investment. This strategy does justice to diverse founders and is also key for investors to gain a competitive edge and work with founders who may be overlooked by other VCs.”